Acupuncture WszystkieProducenci
Physiotherapy WszystkieProducenci
- Oils, ointments, waxes
- Dry needling
- Kinesiotaping
- Pinopressure
- Pins, pinocats and clavicles
- Pinopressure accessories
- E-course of pinotherapy
- Multi-needle applicators
- Acupressure mats
- Lyapko applicators
- Physiotherapy accessories
- Massagers
- Massage rollers
- Massage balls
- Exercise bands
- Models and charts
- Electronic devices
- Electropuncture
- Laser therapy
- Veterinary physiotherapy
Electrotherapy WszystkieProducenci
Other Therapies WszystkieProducenci
Supplements WszystkieProducenci
Knowledge WszystkieProducenci
Clinic equipment Wszystkie
Product description
Posters showing acupuncture points, acupressure points and the flow of meridians on the entire body of a woman. All of the points are described in English and Chinese.
The set includes 3 posters in the size 72 x 38 cm:
Front perspective
Side perspective
Back perspective
Carrying tube